We Will Do Our Best Despite Tough Times, Says Makinde

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Oyo State Governor Seyi Makinde has said that his administration will continue to give its best to the people of the state despite the challenging times.
The governor said this yesterday during the presentation of 28 18-seater buses to tertiary institutions in the state at the car park of the Governor’s Office, State Secretariat, Agodi in Ibadan.
Addressing the students, Makinde, who said the country was passing through a tough period, declared that the period would soon be over, adding that his administration would never relent in giving the best to the state and its people.
The governor said he was sensitive to the hardship foisted on the students as a result of the tough times and encouraged them to endure as the hardship would soon become a thing of the past.
He noted that he had just signed the state scholarship and bursary awards for 2024, stressing that he would ensure that the disbursement is done seamlessly and with integrity.
While enjoining the students to cooperate with the leadership of their institutions, he also expressed his appreciation to them for the uncommon support he has been enjoying from them right from the inception of his administration.
Makinde said “Omituntun”, which is the embodiment of his political philosophy, has become a movement and would transcend 2027.
“When I started with Omituntun in 2015, it did not yield anything. In 2019, we had Omituntun 2019, then we won. So, we started Omituntun 1.0. In 2023, the student body came out to support this administration massively, again we won. That gave birth to Omituntun 2.0.
“In 2027 Omituntun 3.0 is coming because ‘Omituntun’ is not about Seyi Makinde anymore. It is now a movement and at various times different people will come to lead that movement.”
The governor added, “I am restoring my own personal scholarship scheme. I stopped it after I became the governor but now I see the need to restore it because the government alone cannot do enough. “



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