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By Ibrahim Garba Maradun

The Zamfara APC dogma led by the Minister of State Defense Bello Muhammad Matawallen Maradun has perfected another political rendition and imaginative blackmail by funding another wave of protest to the headquarters of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Abuja demanding for investigation of another Nigerian political icon Aminu Jaji who has demonstrated his true love for the emergence of President Bola Ahmad Tinubu.

For anyone who understand the political dynamics of Bello Matawalle the Minister of state for Defence will not be surprise to see the mess up happening within the APC Zamfara because, that is the only thing he mastered well when it comes to political blackmail, reckless accusations and counter accusations as well as trying to tarnish the reputation of people that build names over the time.

The protest by the faceless members of Nigerian Patriotic Youth Against Corruption (NPYAC) in my opinion is laughable looking at the fact that Matawallen Maradun is alleged and without shame pushing for EFCC to investigate someone on allegations that has no basis by virtue of the act establishing the Commission.

The so-called Nigerian Patriotic Youth Against Corruption (NPYAC) is a brandishing Money making NGO that is available to be used by hopeless politicians like Matawallen Maradun to tarnish the image of very distinguished personalities and mere googling of the name and activities of this NGO one may be convinced that they have done nothing to convince the public that they are real and genuine outfit which is out to support serious commission like EFCC in fighting corruption.

In fact they the architects of breeding corruption hence they surrendered their corporate name in return for money that were stolen through corrupt manner and the EFCC Chairman should justify his commitment made two days when he received Ibrahim Wayya led Coalition of Northern Civil Society Organizations that CSO’s that are linked to corrupt politicians shall be made to face the wrath of the law.

Back to the allegation of finding terrorism by Jaji as alleged by these faceless group of people, one does not need to be told who among the duo Matawalle the former Governor of Zamfara and Aminu Jaji has direct connection with the bandits?

This question is essential because, history is there for everybody to read that during his days as Governor of Zamfara he has allegedly took the bold steps of shielding top bandit leaders the likes of Ado Aleru, Dogo Gide, Bello Turji within the centrality of the seat of power in Zamfara (Government House) in the name of implementing peace accord.

Allegations were superfluously high that he as Governor whose people were murderously killed by these bandit kingpins allegedly tried all options to comfort them not only with accommodation within the Government House but with funds and vehicles that empowers them to move freely within the people with retinue of security aides.

Again, It is evident that majority of negotiations made in major abduction cases within the North-West were allegedly made by the government of Zamfara under the watch of Matawalle to the extent that every concern stakeholder in Nigeria has became scared about the future of sustainable security in Zamfara and the North-West by extension.

To say the last, Zamfara voters perfected their political revolution by voting the former Governor Bello Matawalle out in 2023 simply because of his inability to make a shift in an attempt to transform Zamfara.

Amidst this ugly development, politicians like Aminu Jaji worn their elections with overwhelming majority and also secured massive victory for Bola Ahmad Tinubu and his running mate Kashim Shatima.

As reported by some sections of the media this week the state Minister for Defensce was accused of finding the campaign of the PDP Presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar hence he had never anticipated the victorious of President Tinubu in 2023.

The concern of the citizens against the illegal relationship of the government of APC in Zamfara led by former Governor Matawalle and some armed bandits has sustain their enemty against the APC and if not for the effort of the people like Jaji who has used his resources to continue to change the narrative the party would have continue to sink in the river Kalmalo.

Now that the real stakeholders of the APC are against the Minister of State Defense and his political servant the suspended state APC Chairman Tukur Umar Danfulani the Minister of State for Defence now swimming in between the two sinking rivers and he believed the only escape route for his political sin is to go after capable politicians that are making difference in terms of changing the lives of their people so that they Dan die together politically.

Jaji has no hand in the crises between Tukur Danfulani the suspended APC State Chairman and his ward executives of Galadima. The suspended Chairman is only suffering for his sin knowing fully that Jaji is neither from Gusau nor Galadima Ward rather from Birnin Magaji the political environment he is fully in control.

The suspension of Tukur Danfulani by some executives of his ward is a further testimony to our earlier calls since after the 2023 election that the political manners at which he and his principal handled the affairs of the APC which resulted to its massive defeat in 2023 election by way of PDP winning (10) local governments against (3) worn by the APC shows clearly that he lacks the requisite capacity to revive the party again.

This is the highest disgrace a seating Governor has ever recorded in the history of politics in Nigeria since 1999 and I believed Nigerians expressed shocked on how he was picked to do the job of the Defense Minister.

The current development in Zamfara politics was deliberately ignited by the State Minister of Defense as alleged I’m different Quata and his co-travellers like the suspended Chairman without mincing the need for them to initiate some reforms that would assist the current government of Dauda Lawal to end the devastating insecurity emanating from the incessant armed bandit attacks continue to rubbish and ridicule the chances of his party.

His interest as Minister of State for Defense is not to help the President restore peace in Zamfara rather to create more serious security problems and tension that will trigger the anger of the citizens to rioted against the government of Tinubu.

The Minister of State for Defensce shall be warned by the President to allow Zamfara to be in peace he has lost the game in 2023 and him suffer the defeat and not to continue to be raising unnecessary tension as way of demonstrating his agony of losing the seat of Governor due to his political foolishness.

Aminu Jaji is known by people of Zamfara and indeed Nigeria as peace loving citizen who always worked harder to ensure that Nigeria leaves at peace and his contribution as Chairman House of Assembly Committee on Security and Intelligence then had probed his unending love for peace.

In politics, Jaji has never been violent and he always advocated for politics without bitterness, politics of ideas and politics of building humanity.

As Chairman of Baba Buhari for All his humanitarian commitment has been spread across the (19) Northern states by way of distributing thousands of trucks loaded with assorted grains, clothing materials and other valuable commodities needed by the orphans, vulnerable and lessprivleged people.

Finally, President Bola Ahmad Tinubu should put eye on the Minister of State Defense and his polluted intention of sustaining humanitarian tension in the vulnerable state like Zamfara in the name of politics.

All the insults Zamfara people are rendering on the Tinubu’s government is caused by the direct actions and in-actions of the minister who does not value humanity and does nothing to secure the people.

The President must know that he is the only Minister that is completely disconnected with his people as he only visited Zamfara when the court of Appeal declared Zamfara Governorship election in conclusive and since when then he has cutt-off with his constituents.

His appointment as Defense Minister amidst allegations of corruption case of N70b calls for his removal to allow for neutral investigation in order to recover the looted funds of the state.

Jaji Aminu remains a die-heart supporter of peace, and loves the political progression of the Tinubu the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and indeed the APC.

Ibrahim Garba Maradun

A Card Carrying Member of the All Progressive Congress.

































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