Sokoto Community Guard Corps Not State Police — Gov Aliyu

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Governor Ahmed Aliyu of Sokoto State, on Thursday, clarified that the community guard corps is not a state police force or intended to rival the Nigeria Police Force.
Aliyu made the clarification during the signing into law of the Sokoto Community Guard Corps bill.
He said that his administration initiated the Sokoto Community Guard Corps to complement the efforts of the administration led by President Bola Tinubu in providing adequate security for the populace.
He said, “The signing of this law establishing the Sokoto Community Guard Corps marks a significant milestone in the life of this administration.
“As we are all aware, Sokoto state is grappling with security challenges, particularly banditry, which has been unsettling the state’s known peaceful nature.
“We are committed to doing everything humanly possible to maintain peace and security in the state. The creation of this Security Guard Corps is geared towards supporting the efforts of conventional security outfits in safeguarding lives and properties, especially at the grassroots level.
“Let me make it clear that the Community Guard Corps is not the Sokoto police or a force established by the Sokoto State government.
“To our security agencies, I want to stress that they are not your competitors; rather, they are here to assist you and provide essential support and information from their localities.
“This move aligns with the administration’s efforts to put in place all necessary mechanisms for the peaceful implementation of the Community Guard Corps in the state.
“Allow me to reiterate our administration’s commitment to ensuring the security and protection of lives and property of the people of the state.”
He stressed that the success of the Community Guard Corps in Sokoto State requires support from all residents.



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