Senators Barau, Natasha, Nwoko, Adeola Call For Unity At Christmas

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Deputy president of the senate, Barau Jibrin, Sen Natasha Akpoti, Ned Nwoko and Solomon Olamilekan Adeola have called Nigerians to imbibe unity as they celebrate Christmas.
Barau, specifically, rejoiced with Christians on this year’s Christmas, urging all citizens to intensify prayers for the peace, unity and progress of the country.
Senator Barau, in a statement issued by his media adviser Ismail Mudashir, urged the Christian faithful not to forget the essence of Christmas on the altar of merriment, but to seek refuge in God through prayers for a peaceful, united and prosperous nation.
Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan who is representing Kogi Central also felicitated with Christian faithful and all Nigerians as they celebrated Christmas and New Year festivities.
Senator Natasha lauded Nigerians for their resilience in the face of the challenges facing the nation, urging them to embrace love and unity.
On his part, Sen Solomon Adeola, who is also the chairman of Senate Committee on Appropriations called on all Christians in particular, and Nigerians in general to use the occasion of the Christmas celebration to renew their faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and prayed for a better Nigeria with the implementation of the Renewed Hope Agenda of the present administration.
In a Christmas message to felicitate with his constituents and Nigeria Christendom on the occasion of 2023 Christmas, Senator Adeola said Christmas symbolizes the celebration of the birth of a new dawn for the salvation of souls for all humanity especially for the Christians stressing that with the birth of Jesus Christ that we are celebrating, mankind have a hope for a better future and salvation of souls for eternity.
Also, the Delta North Senator, Ned Nwoko, said as Christians across the globe mark yet another Christmas season, he finds himself reflecting deeply on the tumultuous yet transformative times as they are navigating together, not as religious groups but as humans.
“The world we inhabit is an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of diversity, ideologies, and aspirations. It is in this mosaic of our differences that the message of Christmas echoes with resounding importance—a call for unity, compassion, and hope that transcends borders, affiliations, and individual aspirations.
“In my role as a leader, I am acutely aware of the myriad issues that confront our society—issues that demand not only governance but a deeply humane approach. The pursuit of justice, fairness, and the empowerment of every individual within our community remains a beacon guiding my actions and decisions in the hallowed halls of governance,” Nwoko added.




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