My Aims Is To bring More Developmental Projects To Fagge Local Government –Bashir Bayero Saleh 

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By Ibrahim Muhammad Kano

The victory of the Governor of Kano State, Engineer Abba Kabir Yusuf during the election and confirming his victory att he apex court is the will of God who has confirmed the truth of what the people of Kano have chosen.

A member of kwankwasiyya who contributed significantly to the success of Abba in Jaba area of Kwaciri ward of Fagge local government.Hon. Bashir Bayero Saleh said this while Speaking to journalists.

He said that some people who don’t want the development of Kano State have come to seize the election that the people of Kano have done by colluding with others to corrupt judges, but since God does not accept injustice, he has confirmed the victory of Abba.

He pointed out that right from the 2019 election, the people of Kano voted for Abba but the election was seized by making it incomplete and was taken away from them, In 2023 election. The people of Kano came out and voted for Abba more than the way they did in 2019 God ensure.his success.

Hon. BB Saleh said that since from the swearing in of Abba in less than a year, he has come up with important works that the previous government did not do by putting lights in the main roads and corners to improve security and prevent phone theft.and construction of new roads , early payments of salary and he pay gratuities to pensioners amongs many other things that is developing the state.

Bashir Bayero Sale said he is in politics because of Kwankwaso he believed in his politic ideology of development of the masses.That is why before the election, he made calls to the teaming youts in Fagge and encourage them on importance of having voters card and he support them to go and get it in INEC office.

Adding that they have struggle alot during the election until God made them successful Abba Kabir Yusuf won the election with alot of votes This struggle he made and his contribution to the community that is the reason people’s insisted on him to run for for the chairman of of Fagge Local Government.

Hon.Bashir Bayero Saleh said that he refuse to accept the calling of people on him to contest but after consultations he agreed to run for seeking of Fagge local Government chairman

His aim is to build education development and create jobs for the youth in Fagge, because his thoughts are always to help the community on education because it is the backbone of human development he learn this idea from Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso and he also benefited from His free education system also he offer him employment in ministry of education.

Hon. Bashir said that Fagge Local Government as a mini Nigeria, there are different tribes living in it, especially in Jaba town in Kwaciri Constituency, they are living in peace.there is police barracks, air force base , immigration, Efcc offices and many others important people’s they are all in Jaba living with their families , they have a good relationship and understanding with each other because there is no ethnic conflict in the area, this is as the result of the efforts of the youth and the elders of the area to see that everyone lives in peace that will last..

Hon.Bashir Bayero Saleh thanked the Fagge community from the 10 Ward s ,for the support and love they are showing on him he hopes that they will continue to work together to get opportunities to move the local Government forward.




Bashir Bayero Saleh


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