Keep Watching The Forces Of Social Interactions: It Will Give You Lifetime Lessons, By Ado Umar Lalu

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If you understand how society works, you will save yourself a lots of trouble and frustrations. Be extra careful and vigilant so that you can shield yourself from the disappoinment of pretenders who only displays and expressed something contrary to what are in their minds.
In the course of our daily routine activities we should try to approach things with open minds,  but the people we are interacting with they thought they are smart and we don’t know what we are doing.
The easiest way to teach them a bitter lessons is to conceal your feelings no matter what to get facts that you can rely upon to reply them back at appropriate time. However, take the following instances into consideration to guard against pretenders:
1. If you interact with people you love but do not love you prepare your mind to search for those that love you wholeheartedly.
2. If you care for people that do not care for you be on high alerts and expect disappointment any time.
3.  If you believed in people that do not believe in you they will dump you anytime.
4. If you have confidence in people that do not have confidence in you do not rely on them at all.
5. If you shared your secret with those who do not shares theirs with you be ready they will reveal your secrets when you least expected to destroy you.
6. Don’t put your trust on people that do not trust you, one day they will reveal your trust to the enemies that will ruin your life forever.
7. Depend on yourself but don’t depend on those that will abandon you in time of need.
8. Help for the sake of humanity including those who do not help you.
9. Be contented with the little you have and appreciate the God’s favors on you, you will never be affected by insatiable urges for more.
10. Look back and reciprocate any kind gestures no matter how little it strengthens the social bonds.
11. Don’t turn your back from those who sacrifices everything for you, a day will come when you or someone close to you will come desperately looking for the same support but will not get it due to lack of appreciation.
13. Try to make good always out of every bad experience you will not be hurt by the wickedness of others.
14. Always give benefits of doubt and give a second chances to others.
15. Don’t put too much hopes on future,  use your today to save your tomorrow,  if you survive to see tomorrow things will work much more easier and if you dies or miss the opportunity of tomorrow you will leave a worthy legacies behind.
16. Give to much emphasis on your weaknesses and make necessary adjustments it will enhance your strengthns.
17. Distance yourself from arrogance and prides they will crush your future prospects.
When you always work towards the negative you will have positive responses from all angles.
18. Listen to dissenting views and contructive criticisms you will  never regret.
The choice is ours to do the right things or the opposites.

Ado Umar Lalu


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