Kebbi Gov. Distributes 25 Operational vehicles to Police, DSS, Army, NSCDC, SA Security 

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By Umar Faruk Birnin Kebbi

Kebbi State Governor, Dr. Nasir Idris has distributed twenty five operational vehicles to Nigeria police force, DSSS, NSCDC, Nigerian Army and Vigilante Group of Nigeria, including SA Security to the governor also got one of the vehicles on Thursday in Birnin Kebbi the state Capital.

In his speech while launching and distributing the vehicles to Security outfit in the State, the governor said Nigeria police force was allocated with ten vehicles, Nigeria Army six vehicles, Department of State Security Service(DSSS) four vehicles than Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps(NSCDC) three vehicles and than the state Commander Vigilante Group of Nigeria(VGN) one vehicle. Adding that SA Security will got one vehicle to boost his office duties.

While stressing, that when he come on board as elected governor he realized that there’s need for his government to purchase operational vehicles for security agencies in the state with a view to enhance security Challenges faced southern part of the state.

He said ” Kebbi government has purchased twenty Eight new brand Toyota Hillx Vehicles as part of its agenda to support and ensure adequate Security across the 21 LGAS of the state, which we are distributing to security agencies today. He explained

” We spends over two billion naira to purchased the new brand Toyota Hillx vehicles which we distributed to all the security formations, saying that we will continue to support our security outfits so that they can be able to discharge their duties effectively”. He explained

He acknowledged the efforts been put by the securities in the state to protect lives and properties and curbing Security Challenges of which people are confidently going to their respective farms now. He assured the heads of all the security in the state of his government redness to fight insecurity in the state.

He further explained that” before the end of my four years tenure in office enough operational vehicles would be provided to all the security formation God willing, so as to solves problem of none functional vehicles for day to day operations. We purchase new brand vehicles for you to enable you perform your operational activities. He than promised to provides allowances for fueling and maintenance of the vehicles allocated to each security formation.

However, the governor commended the effort of all security personnel’s serving in the state, despite that we know you are Federal government agent, but there is need for us to support you because all of you is serving our people in state.

” On behalf of government of people of the state we thanked you for all the service you are rendering, I urged you to continue with the good work you are doing for us.

Speaking on behalf of all the security formation benefited, commissioner of police, CP Chris Aimionowane who expressed their appreciation to the kebbi State Governor Dr . Nasir Idris for providing new brand Toyota Hillx to security formations in the state.

” We want to assure you and the entire people of the state that we are going redouble our efforts in curbs Security Challenges in the state. He further said that 24hours round the clock their offices doors are open for anybody with vital information. He also urges people across 21LGAs to continue to give their own support to security formations so as to achieves more in fighting in crimes in the state.


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