2024 Hajj : Gov. Idris Promises Adequate Preparations

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By Umar Faruk Birnin Kebbi

Governor Nasir Idris says, his administration will ensure

governo preparation for the 2024 Hajj excercise as well as carry out necessary reorganization of Kebbi State Pilgrims Welfare Agency for effective and efficient performance.

Dr. Nasir Idris was responding to the request of the 2023 Hajj Committee which recommended incisive review of the operations of the Agency for sustainable smooth and hitch free Hajj exercise.

Speaking at the Government House, Birnin Kebbi, the governor gave an assurance that the forthcoming 2024 Hajj would surpass previous exercises in organisational structure, comfortability and smoothness.

He announced that the government would study the report and make obligatory adjustments such as tackling administrative problems and failure as well as appointing people of integrity who would serve Pilgrims throughout the duration of the Hajj.

“Pilgrims pay for services while the government complements. We will make sure justice is done to Pilgrims in Kebbi”, he remarked.

He thanked Leader of the Government Delegation and Amirul Hajj, 2023, Senator Muhammad Magoro and other members of the team for doing a good job and capturing everything holistically in their report.

Presenting the 2023 Hajj report to the governor, Senator Muhammad Magoro, Amirul Hajj 2023 said the report encompassed the operations of the 2023 Hajj including recommendations on how to improve future Hajj operations.

He advised the government to review the duties of the Pilgrims Agency through restructuring while the government should appoint Board Members prior to the commencement of the Pilgrimage.

In addition, air carriers should be contracted for the airlift of Pilgrims early enough and strongly recommended the reappraisal of the appointment of Local Government Hajj Guards to guard against misdemeanor.

The Amirul Hajj announced that 4,897 seats were allocated to Kebbi state that were all paid for by Pilgrims.

He added that 4,887 returned from The Holy Land on board government operated airline while eight Pilgrims came back on chartered flight.

No death was recorded, he said, but some sickly pilgrims were left behind in Makkah for treatment of whom two females passed away.

Senator Magoro explained that no pilgrim or any luggage was missing during the exercise and thanked Governor Nasir Idris for affording them an opportunity to serve the State.


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