Kaduna Electric MD Yahaya Resigns

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The Managing Director/chief executive officer (CEO) of Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company (Kaduna Electric), Yusuf Usman Yahaya, has resigned his appointment.
The announcement was made through an internal memo dated Friday, January 5, 2024 and signed by Kaduna Electric’s Head of Corporate Communication, Abdulazeez Abdullahi.
Nearly two years ago, Yahaya took up the position of MD/CEO of the power company in furtherance of concerted efforts by stakeholders – Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission, Bureau of Public Enterprises, Central Bank of Nigeria and Lender – African Export-Import Bank and Fidelity Bank- for an intervention in Kaduna Electric alongside select electricity distribution companies in Nigeria.
“Since his appointment, Engr. Yahaya has led and executed a decisive ongoing turnaround programme as to effect critical people and organizational reform, accomplish commercial growth, and enhanced service delivery to our customers aided by extended investments in network and energy management infrastructure.
“Kaduna Electric wishes to convey its gratitude to Engr. Yusuf Usman Yahaya for his leadership and management in initiating much-needed corporate turnaround of the company and extends our best wishes in his next endeavours,” the memo stated.




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