Aba Village Seeks Government Attention On It’s Awash Bridge

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By Akilu Sa’adu

Aba village is in the outer sketch of Zaria local government constituency, under Wucicciri ward with most of the folks living and interacting in the vicinity are agri-pastoralists (Farmer-herders) . The village has thousands indigenes and more than ten (10) subordinates villages that incorporated into the Aba, the main and principal village.

For innumerable years, this village have been living a pitiable life and agony ;and politically underserved, since the broken of their sole bridge which links them with the ancient metropolitant city of Zaria and indeed, everywhere they intend to move. The bridge was wrecked by the rainfall which heavily drowned the the aged-long constructed tracks (since Babangida regime) into collapsing. Since then, the community of Aba have been crying and appealing ceaselessly to the government but their cries was unheard   and unechoed by the Authority.

Optimistically, the villagers crafted different  means including using canoes in order to ship their loads and people across the bridge. Regrettably, the canoe-system become a source of another trepidation and fear , hence adrift, for  it become ceremonial  that each passing year innocent person(s) drown .

The bridge– which is the soul of the village– means alot to them. They transport their farm produce to various markets via the bridge. Hence, during rainy season they have no alternative than to use simple canoes to carry them along with their burdens. This traditionally – crafted canoes usually sink and wreak innumerable folks to danger. Even last season it happened and innocent sturdy men lost their dear life in the wreckage.

As a result, It become nightmarish for a stranger to cross to the various areas behind the bridge. Hence, the villages know little or no dividend of democracy. They are left in throes and trauma with a heavy heart carrying the grief of the people drowned and swallowed by the angry stream wich turned into SHARK that lumps human bodies yearly.

Interestingly, these community are seasonally-dual farmers (both rainy and winter seasons) which their activity of producing food across Kaduna state immensely contributes to the food availability and life sustainability in the state.

But with all this contribution to the national food security, they are left with tearful eyes and drenched shirts and with no Messiah to rescue them from their adversity.

Many years passed and so many barren promises (unfulfilled promises) were made which never bear flower nor fruits to be yielded and each year their quagmires and quandaries over the ruining of the bridge increases. Their optimisms plummeted as no silhouette of political Messiah to succor them on the bridge in question.

Lastly, it is our sole believe that, the supreme function of government is securing the lives of its subject from any harm; and provision for the social infrastructures for its people, With this, the people of ABA are appealing to the government and other relevant personnel to come to the rescue and stage forth to salvage tthis community from this plight— Reconstructing the broken bridge that weakened the progress of the community and transformed the community into an unreachable desert.

Akilu Sa’adu is an indigene of Aba community who is currently studying Law at Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.

He can be reached via his number

07046112021 or through his Email:


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