Yuletide: Federal Govt Declares Dec 25, 26, Jan 2 Public Holidays

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The federal government has declared Monday, December 25, Tuesday December 26, 2023 and Monday, January 1, 2024 as public holidays to mark Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day celebrations, respectively.

The Minister of Interior, Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, who made the declaration on behalf of the federal government, felicitated with Christians and all Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora on this year’s Christmas and New Year celebrations.

He urged Christians to emulate the doctrines of Christ in faith, hope and love, emphasising the need to imbibe the life of Jesus Christ in His practice and teachings on humility, service, compassion, patience, peace and righteousness, that His birth signifies.

The Minister explained that this will be the best way to portray Christ and celebrate his birth.

Dr. Tunji-Ojo, who also emphasised that peace and security are two critical conditions for economic development and prosperity, urged Christians and Nigerians to make the best use of this festive period to pray for the total eradication of insecurity bedevilling our dear nation.

While assuring that the federal government, under the administration of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, will continue to draw out strategic measures that would reshape the state of the nation and ensure adequate security of Nigerians at large, and expects Nigerians to support the efforts of security agencies by providing useful information that will assist them in the performance of their duties.

He advised Nigerians to be security conscious, asking them to report any suspicious persons or activities to the nearest security agency, saying: “when you see something , report it, as this would elicit prompt response from security agents.”

According to him, “the Yuletide calls for spartan discipline in order to protect lives and properties of everyone in our community and the nation as a whole.

“Celebrate the festival avoid the spread of crisis and be responsible. Take it as a point of duty you own your father land.”

The Minister admonished all citizens to remain focused and expressed confidence that the year 2024 would be a better year for all.

He wished all Christians in particular a happy Christmas and all Nigerians a peaceful and prosperous New Year celebration.


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