Troops Kill ISWAP Bomb Maker Mallam Muhammad In Borno

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Troops of Operation Desert Sanity III and Operation Hadin Kai have neutrialised a top ISWAP Commander, Mallam Muhammad, who was in charge of fabricating Vehicle Bomb Improvised Explosive Device (VBEID) in Sambisa Forest.

Intelligence sources according to Zagazola Makama, a counter- insurgency expert and security analyst in Lake Chad said Muhammadu was killed on May 14 after troops made gradual but unprecedented incursion into the terrorists’ dens in Ukuba and Njimia in Bama local government area of Borno State.

He added that the terrorist kingpin operate a major fabrication workshop where he made Person Borne Improvised Explosive Device (PBVIED) Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosives Device (VBIED) Road Side Borne Improvised Explosive Device (RSBIED).

Muhammadu was also accused of sending many underage children into suicide bombing after conscripting them into believing that they will go to heaven when they died.

Among those that he used as human bombs were his three children.

Makama further said that the troops also intercepted a vehicle that was already armed with explosive which was designed to target advancing troops.

“Despite the obvious challenges of difficult terrain, IED threats, the troops continue to maintain the momentum, remaining focused and determined to pursue and decimate the fleeing terrorists,” the sources said.


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