Terrorists Kidnapped 83 Health Workers In Katsina

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About 83 health workers have been kidnapped by bandits terrorising Katsina State in the last eight years

The Chairman, Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (WHWUN) Comrade Mannir Mohammed Suleiman in the State

disclosed this at a dinner organized in honour of Dr Shamsuddeen Yahaya for his reappointment as the Executive Secretary of the state Primary Health Care Agency in Katsina on Wednesday.

Suleiman observed that the incidents occurred between 2015 to date stating that 65 were released after payment of ransom, while 16 others were killed.

Similarly, he added that, out of the number, one person escaped with bullet wound, while one other person is no where to be found in the last four years.

He therefore requested the state government to review the health workers staff register and welfare, particularly in the Frontline Local Government Areas with high challenges of insecurity both day and night.

He congratulated the reappointed Executive Secretary of the Health agency, stressing that this has demonstrated the confidence the state Governor has in him to steer the agency to greater heights in the state.

While praying to Almighty Allah to guide and protect the reappointed health care agency boss, Comrade Mannir Mohammed Suleiman pledged the Union’s support and cooperation in the discharge of his responsibilities.


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