Police Promote 10,114 Officers Since My Appointment – I.G

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The Inspector General of Police (I-G), Mr Mohammed Adamu on Wednesday said a total of 10,114 police personnel had been promoted  since the inception of his administration in Jan. 2019.

Adamu disclosed this in Abuja during the decoration of newly promoted Commissioners of Police.

He said the total figure was made up of 7,127 Inspectors promoted to Assistant Superintendents (ASPs), 1,375 ASPs to Deputy Superintendents (DSPs) and 498 DSPs to Superintendents.

Adamu said the figure also included 566 Superintendents promoted to Chief Superintendents, 150 Chief Superintendent to Assistant Commissioners, 273 Assistant Commissioners to Deputy Commissioners and 75 Deputy Commissioners to Commissioners.

He said 35 commissioners were promoted to Assistant Inspectors General while 14 Assistant Inspector Generals were promoted to Deputy Inspector Generals.

Adamu said 40 Commissioners of Police being decorated were among the 75 promoted from the rank of Deputy Commissioner.

The I-G said the promotions were guided by the principles of seniority and merit with records of discipline and valuable experience.

He said the capacity of human assets of any organisation, particularly, at strategic management level was fundamental to the attainment of goal and mandate of the organisation.

According to him, this is why it is often said that no organisation can advance beyond the competence and dedication of its strategic leaders.

He said no organisational goals and plans could be attained without a crop of highly committed personnel to drive the implementation process.

Adamu said that the assertion was more critical for law enforcement agency whose responsibility was to provide internal security like the Nigeria Police Force.

According to him, this is because, the rapidly changing dynamic of crime and the attendant increasing threat to security required quality police managers with the requisite professional knowledge, experience and competence.

“It is in cognisance of this fact that I have since my appointment as the I-G been collaborating effectively with the Police Service Commission.

“The collaboration is to ensure that appropriate processes are emplaced to identify and promptly elevate deserving officers with unblemished service records for promotion.

“This is a strategic management approach directed at motivating the workforce of the Nigeria Police in committing to the duty of addressing current and emerging internal security threats,” he said.

The I-G urged the 40 newly decorated officers to the rank of Commissioners of Police to deploy their intellect, be civil to citizens and be guided by the need to respect extant laws.

He called on the newly promoted officers to demonstrate sound professional judgment in all their decisions.


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