NLC Strike Grounds Economic Activities In Yobe

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Following the strike directive from the national headquarters of the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, and its counterpart the Trade Union Congress, TUC, all economic activities were grounded yesterday in Yobe State.Speaking to journalists in Damaturu, the state capital, chairman of NLC, Comrade Muktari Tarbutu, stated that their decision to join the ongoing nationwide indefinite strike was borne out of the fact that, NLC is a family. “We are united. We need justice for everyone,” he added.
“Let me tell you that, we in the state want justice to be done to our amiable leader, Comrade Joe Ajearo, who was unjustly manhandled by security agencies in Imo State,” said Tarbutu. According to him, Yobe State remains shut till further directives from the mother union to do otherwise. He urged the people of the state to cooperate with the NLC on the strike directive and support the ongoing nationwide strike.
LEADERSHIP gathered that, most of the government and private organisations in the state have been vacated by workers in compliance with the strike. Those who spoke with LEADERSHIP called on the federal government to fulfill all promises made to the civil servants.


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