Nigeria Committed To Single African Air Transport Market — NCAA Boss

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The director general of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Captain Musa Nuhu, has said Nigeria’s commitment to the full liberalization of the Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) of the the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) cannot be overemphasized.
He stated this in Abuja on Monday at a workshop on African Aviation Market Integration, themed ‘African Wants to Fly’, noting that the theme is quite unique as it celebrates the soaring aspirations and boundless potential of the African continent in the world of aviation.
SAATM is a catalyst for the successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement through the movement of people and goods across the continent.
Speaking at the event, Nuhu said “This year’s Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) Week will afford states the opportunity to identify the status of implementation of the YD/SAATM while encouraging member states and all partners to join hands in the implementation of SAATM.
“The YD Week will also encourage African Airlines to take full advantage of the benefits of SAATM and expand their operations across Africa. It is hoped that the week will further inspire member states that have not joined SAATM to do so without conditions to enable them to proceed with the accelerated implementation of SAATM.
“I am so delighted with the number of high-level personalities that have joined Nigeria today at this historic occasion of 24th Yamoussoukro Decision Day Anniversary Week. Your presence at this event has resonated the importance of SAATM initiative to the growth and development of air transport in Africa, and its potential to enhance air connectivity in Africa.”


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