Nigeria Association Of Women In Agriculture Zamfara Chapter Records Success In 2023

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By Hussaini Yero 

According to her, this serves as motivation and moral boaster to the members, which will motivate them to continue with the good work they have been doing in the state.

“During the ceremony, Hajiya Huriya witnessed how women have displayed their talents in production of all kind of Agriculture products, therefore we will not allow our women to be left behind, as the Lady has done well to our women.

The coordinator also made it clear that the Fadama 3 program which was recently flagged off by his Excellency Dauda Lawal, our members will Insha Allahu benefit from the gesture.

She said, the national body of the association under leadership of Ngizan Chahul National President Nigeria Association Of Women In Agricultural (NAWIA) is doing everything humanly to ensure the walfare of their members accross the nation.

Hajiya Shema’u also disclosed that Zamfara Governor Dauda Lawal, is doing everything to ensure that the association is move forward in the state


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