Niger Governor Signs Executive Order On Green Economy

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Niger State governo,r Mohammed Umaru Bago, has signed an executive order on the green economy.
The executive order which was cited as “the Niger State Green Economy Initiative Order (No.3), 2023” orders that the green economy initiative shall be driven by the state blueprint that details the strategic pillars and outlines the strategic key performance indicators, targets and timelines of the transition into a green economy.
Also enshrined in the Order is that Niger State government shall produce a State-Wide Land Use and Economic Development Plan to guide investment decisions and ensure the green transition are properly coordinated and planned.
The Order further directed all the Ministries, Departments and Agencies of the State to adhere strictly to the initiative, adding that appropriate sanction will be meted out on any violator of the executive order.
Singing the executive order before the commencement of the weekly State Executive Council (SEC) meeting at the council chambers, Government House, Minna, Governor Umaru Bago explained that the executive order was to ensure effective implementation of the green economy policy.
The administration initiated the green economy policy, and hosted the first summit on the initiative with the view to turn around the economy of the state and engender socio-economic development.
The governor noted that with the signing of Executive Order Three, the initiative has come to stay and its implementation is sacrosanct.



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