Niger Governor Promotes Skills Acquisition In Schools

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Governor of Niger State, Mohammed Bago has donated N10 million to the graduates of Scientific Equipment Development Institute (SEDI), vocational training.
The governor made the symbolic donation when the management of the Scientific Equipment Development Institute, Minna presented graduates of its pilot scheme vocational training at the Government House, Minna
He said the donation was to serve as start-up packs to the graduates.
He said that the ministry of basic and secondary education was directed to include vocational training in the schools’ curriculum.
The governor appreciated the efforts of SEDI in promoting local production, suggesting that a skills acquisition programme be organized for the state executive council members.
He said the government will ensure the programme is sustained and the number of graduates increases to 400 annually.
The managing director of SEDI, Prof. Muhammad Ndaliman said the vocational training started with trainees from Minna and environs who were nominated by Community leaders.
Ndaliman said 65 people, mostly youths, were trained in various fields and assessed through examinations adding that those who stood out were rewarded with tools.


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