NBTE Boss Advocates Clean Cooking Environment

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Executive secretary of the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Professor Idris Bugaje, has advocated for a clean cooking environment, declaring that “it is not just a luxury but a fundamental human right.”
Bugaje made the assertion yesterday in his keynote address and engagement with multi-stakeholders in Zaria organised by Hinata Energy, PIVOT Global Bioethanol Coalition and funded by ASTRAZENICA.
He said that millions of people around the globe, particularly in developing nations, still rely on traditional cooking methods that involve burning biomass, such as wood or charcoal, leading to severe health and environmental consequences.
Bugaje who was represented by Dr Titus Moses added that smoke from these open fires not only contributes to respiratory diseases but also exacerbates climate change.
He stressed that in a world where the need for sustainable practices has never been more urgent, the vision and innovation behind Hinata Energy represent a beacon of hope for a cleaner, healthier, and more equitable future.
The CEO of Hinata Energy, Kamal Kasim, who spoke in an interview with newsmen shortly after the engagement, said the goal of the meeting was to engage the stakeholders on the effect of dependency on polluting fuel in student hostels and to encourage them to push for the adoption of clean fuels such as the bio ethanol fuel cooking solution and other clean energy solution.
On sustainability, which was the fear of the stakeholders, Mr Kasim said they are working on a sustainable long-term plan, which involves the incorporation of suggestions from customers.
He also revealed that actions such as the establishment of biofuel stations in the institutions are in progress while Kaduna Polytechnic already has an operating biofuel station.



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