Navy Restates Commitment To Capacity Building, Personnel Welfare

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The Nigerian Navy has restated commitment to capacity building and personnel welfare for effective discharge of its constitutional mandate.
Chief of Administration, Naval Headquarters, Rear Admiral KC Ezete, stated at the Nigerian Navy ratings party 2023 organised by the Naval Unit Abuja for its personnel at the weekend.
Admiral Ezete who was represented by the provost marshal NHQ Commodore CN Aniaku said the party was one of the events earmarked to mark the end of year activities by creating conducive atmosphere for relaxation for personnel and their families at the end of a rigorous year.
He said the NN under the leadership of Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogallala has put it at the center of its policy to build up her most important resources which is her personnel.
“The leadership of the Nigeria Navy takes it utmost to ensure capacity building for her personnel as well as ensuring their welfare is attended to promptly. It is in this regard that I salute your individual and collective dedication and discipline all year round for being worthy ambassador of the Nigerian Navy in your respective capacities. The NN leadership has and will continue to ensure that the welfare of the men is paramount in all aspects and considerations” he said.
He noted that while the Navy experienced a change in leadership, the importance of “the welfare of the men is not lost on the leadership of the NN which also involves capacity building thus, reiterating the idea of putting the man before the machine.
He added; “The achievement of the NN for the year 2023 is largely due to the contributions of our ever ready work force who are eager to brave it all to achieve the desired result”
He commended NUA for the efforts at ensuring a peaceful coexistence with its host community and the general populace, adding that such had boosted public confidence and ensured the safety of lives and property of the people of the FCT.”
Earlier in his welcome remarks, the Commander Naval Unit Abuja, Commodore ST Lengaya said the event was organised as mark of respect and recognition of the importance of personnel whose inputs are vital to ensuring the success of the NN as scheduled in the CNS Strategic Directives and the NN constitutional mandate
He said the occasion also serves as an avenue to create the much needed bonding between the personnel and their families.





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