My Purported Expulsion Claim, Invalid – Babayemi

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A chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Osun State, Omooba Dotun Babayemi, has said he remains a bonafide member of the party and remained committed to championing the cause of good governance for the common good of the people of the state;
The erstwhile governorship aspirant on the platform of the party maintained that politics is for those who are interested in it and not for the selfish interest of a greedy few adding that whoever is threatened by the advocacy in this direction, will surely have a hard nut to crack.
Babayemi had featured on an audience-participatory programme on a radio where he clarified that he still remained a full-fledged member of the PDP and described his purported expulsion as “kangaroo undertaken by some jesters”.
He had while reacting to a statement credited to the chairman of the party in the state, Mr Sunday Bisi, on the legality of his membership in the party asserted that the party leadership in the state is being led by lawless individuals whose stock in trade is characterized by impunity.
A release made available by his media office yesterday recalled that an Osun State High Court sitting in Osogbo and presided over by Justice Jide Falola, had on Tuesday, 6th September, 2022, in a Suit No:HOS/M.212/2022 between Babayemi, PDP, INEC and ten others, granted an Order of Mandatory Interim Injunction restraining and reversing the expulsion of the plaintiff as a member of the Peoples Democratic Party.
“In the same vein, the court also debarred the party and its agents from taking further punitive measures against the plaintiff pending the determination of the final suit
“Furtherance to this, the same court on Friday, September 9th,2022, in another Suit No: HOS/M.212/2022, between Babayemi, PDP, INEC and ten others as presided over by Justice Jide Falola, converted the Interim Order of Mandatory Injunction to Preservative Order of Injunction.
“To this effect, the court further gave an express order that the parties involved in the suit maintain status quo based on the order earlier granted pending the hearing and determination of the Motion on Notice for Interlocutory Injunction”.
The release noted that they never appealed against the court order hence, it subsisted making Babayemi to remain a full and bonafide financial card-carrying member of the PDP.



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