Motorists Groan Over Alleged Extortion By Kano Road Traffic Officials

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Motorists traveling on major roads in the Kano metropolis have accused officials of the Kano Road Traffic Agency (KAROTA) of excessive extortion.

KAROTA operatives, frequently seen on major and federal roads in the state, are reportedly setting up roadblocks and demanding money from commuters.

Dressed in yellow and black, these personnel use tires to create roadblocks, where they allegedly engage in financial extortion.

Affected federal roads include those connecting Kano city to neighboring states, such as Zaria Road, Hadejia Road, Gwarzo Road, Katsina Road, and Maiduguri Road.

Commercial vehicle drivers, speaking to journalists under anonymity, expressed their frustration, noting that they must carry cash to avoid harassment and time-wasting encounters with KAROTA officials.

One motorist said, “We face serious financial extortion from KAROTA men who always set up roadblocks to illegally collect money from us. We have no choice but to comply; otherwise, they fabricate accusations, wasting our time or impounding our vehicles, leading to higher fees.”

Another motorist alleged that in certain city areas with no lighting at night, such as under the bridges at Kofar Nasarawa and Gyadigyadi, KAROTA officials hide near damaged roads to stop and frame unsuspecting motorists for extortion.

He added, “This is significantly impacting economic activities, especially for those traveling to Kano from other states to purchase goods.”

The Managing Director of KAROTA, Faisal Mahmud, declined to meet with journalists at his office on Wednesday regarding these allegations. A staff member at his office, requesting anonymity, remarked that the MD is displeased with journalists constantly seeking attention.


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