Laori, Others Met Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Advocates For A Parliamentary System Of Government For Nigeria 

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By  Shafi’u Saleh

The group of 60 parliamentarians led by Hon. Kingsley Chinda, the Minority Leader of the 10th House of Reps met with former president Olusegun Obasanjo today at the Shehu Musa Yar’adua Center Abuja.

The meeting followed the presentation of a Constitution amendment Bill sponsored by the group, seeking to replace the current presidential system with a parliamentary system of government.

Meeting Obasanjo is part of the group’s effort to engage critical stakeholders in the country to drum support for the bill.

Also to further stimulate conversations for an alternative to the presidential system which most Nigerians agreed has failed to meet their aspirations after many years of practice.

In his remarks, Chief Obasanjo welcome the idea of a constitutional amendment, Noted that Nigerians need a home grown system of government that encompasses her culturestressed and traditions; a sort of an “Afro-democracy”.

The former president agreed no less, that western democracy and the presidential system of government introduced to most African countries has not yielded the desired expectations. Hence the need to go back to what has worked for Africans pre-colonialism.

The group had earlier in February sponsored an amendment to the current constitution to give way for a parliamentary system which it consider less expensive, more responsive and accountable to the people a reasonable allowance for checks and balances.

The advocacy continues as Nigerians are encouraged to be part of the conversation for a better alternative governance system that would enable Nigeria achieve her full potentials.

“The whole idea is to have a people-oriented system of leadership and a governance system that is responsive and accountable to the electorates” Laori stressed.


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