Kwara Lawmaker Bankrolls 50 Eye Patients’ Surgery

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Eye specialists at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH) yesterday carried out surgery operations on 50 indigent Kwarans suffering eye ailments.
The surgery which took place at the UITH Eye Complex, Oke- Oyi was at the instance of the lawmaker representing Ilorin East Constituency at the Kwara State House of Assembly, Hajia Fatimoh Arinola Lawal.
The lawmaker had on February 4, 2024 sponsored an eye screening and treatment programme for 500 members of her constituency and promised to bankroll the bill of those whose eyes required surgery.
The surgery carried out by the UITH’s doctors yesterday on 50 persons with eye impairment was in fulfilment of the lawmaker’s pledge.
Nine other persons shortlisted for surgery will have their turn at a later date.
Hajia Lawal, who was physically present at the hospital, thanked members of the medical team that performed the surgery for their dedication and care for the beneficiaries.
She added: “ I am here to have first-hand information about the state of the health of the beneficiaries and I am happy with what I saw. I pray to God, the Almighty, to heal them all. My goal is for them all to regain their sight because sight is a priceless gift from God.”
Some of the beneficiaries who spoke with newsmen thanked the lawmaker for her kind gesture.


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