Kormo Bachama: Kwamoti La’ori Honored For Excellence Leadership Of The Year In Jos

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By Shafi’u Saleh

Honorable Kwamoti B La’ori (Kormo Bachama), member of reps representing Demsa /Numan/ Lamurde Federal Constituency, has honored an award as Human Capital Leadership of the year, by the BWATIYE cultural fastival, in Jos Palatou state.

Announcing the Award during the end of year cultural festival last Friday, Pene-da-Bwatiye, in Jos the Bwatiye Branch President Mr Nelson Nayimori, said honored the lawmaker for demonstrating uncommon courage in leadership as representatives of the people.

The Branch leadership used the occasion to applaud the phenomenal contributions of the lawmaker in areas of human capital and infrastructure development, which they described as unprecedented excellence and worth commendation.

The event which took place at Peace Island Jos was graced by prominent Bwatiye Chiefs including Mr Clement Minakaro, District Head of Lafiya and representatives of the Hama Bachama and Hama Bata, Chief Peter Clement (Ramo Bachama), Mr Salvation Philip, Dr. Misouno, Sons and daughters of Bwatiye and others dignitaries.

During the event there was display of various Bwatiye Cultural heritage, dances, poems, dishes, a boat ride and.presentation of the Awards,


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