KNSG Designs Modalities to Settle Off Debt DMCSA Owes Drugs Suppliers

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By Ibrahim Muhammad Kano

In order to address some of the challenges bedeviling the Drugs and Medical Consumables Supply Agency (DMCSA), the Kano State Government through the State Ministry of Health has convened a meeting with the representatives of the (drugs) suppliers.
This is contain in a press release made available to factual news online signed by Ibrahim Abdullahi
Information Officer Ministry of Health

The meeting, which took place at the premises of the Agency, has the objectives of mapping-out modalities for addressing the challenge of huge outstanding payments due to suppliers, and to also chart way forward to ensure sustainable commodities supply to the Agency for the benefit of the teeming populace of Kano state.

Speaking at the occasion, the Honourable Commissioner Ministry of Health, Dr. Abubakar Labaran Yusuf, informed the suppliers that the administration of Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf has taken over the DMCSA in a very bad situation of bankruptcy, maintaining that the State Ministry for Health has taken steps towards addressing some of the challenges the Agency is facing.

The Commissioner further stated that, notably among the challenges is the huge outstanding payments the Agency owed the suppliers which stood at about N1.2 billion.

Dr. Labaran explained the steps taken to mitigate the challenges which include the establishment of baseline for the DMCSA operations, prompt payments of all procurements carried out after establishing the actual fund value of the Agency, among others.

The Commissioner then solicited for support and cooperation of the suppliers with outstanding payments to consider and give the Agency time frame to gradually offset the remaining balances.

He also charged the DMCSA to reconcile and ascertain the actual figures and amounts involved and directed the Agency to be earmarking certain amount on monthly basis for gradual settlement of the reconciled amounts, insisting that the directives must be complied with, as he will not tolerate any breach.

The Commissioner hailed His Excellency Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf, for giving all the needed attention to the health sector of the state, gladly noting that this has portrayed the zeal and commitment of His Excellency in upholding the standard of the state’s healthcare system.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Director-General of the Agency, Pharm. Gali Sule highlighted the objectives of establishing the Agency which include, among others, provision of drugs and medical consumables that are qualitative, adequate and affordable to all Kano state public healthcare facilities.

He however lamented that all these were lacking in the state owned facilities, which consequently resulted in poor quality of pharmaceutical services in the state.

Pharm. Gali further assured the gathering that His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Kano State, Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf, is fully supporting the Agency in its effort to actualizing these objectives.

He also commended the Honourable Commissioner for Health, Dr. Abubakar Labaran Yusuf for his total support and commitment in moving the Agency forward.

Speaking on behalf of the (drugs) suppliers attending the meeting, Ben Ochigbo of Trusted Pharmacy Ltd, appreciated the kind gesture of the State Government and the Ministry of Health under the able leadership of the Honourable Commissioner for their support in moving the DMCSA forward.

They also applauded the Ministry for inviting and assuring them of the total commitment of the Government to offset all outstanding balance payments due to them.

They finally reaffirmed their readiness to continue with business relationship with the DMCSA to ensure steady supply of adequate and quality products at affordable prices.


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