Kebbi: Gotomo Community Lauds FERMA For Road Project, Installation Of Solar Streetlights

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By Umar Faruk, Birnin Kebbi

Some residents of Gotomo community in Argungu Local Government Area of Kebbi have commended the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA) for execution of quality road project and installation of streetlights in the community.

The agency installed modern solar streetlights,repairs cell culvert and maintains constant repairs of federal road that passes through the community.

The residents expressed their views on Tuesday in Gotomo community of Argungu LGA of the state.

Malam Musa Mai-Tarwada, a resident from the community, lauded FERMA for the construction of cell culvert and installing of street lights in the community.

“The completion of the project have eased the sufferings we faced reaching one village to another especially during rainy season.

” though, we have electricity supply but what we lacked were street lights m, especially solar ones and you can see solar street lights all over the road and in our community now

“The light has facilitated the spring up of petty businesses in the community as traders throng and flank during the night to market their stuffs,” he said.

Mai-Tarwada said that the Gotomo Development Committee would soon pay a courtesy visit to the state field office in appreciation of the gesture done to them.

He said that the solar street lights had beautified and enhanced the security of the area, calling on other agencies to emulate FERMA in the state.

Also, Malam Murtala Argungu, a commercial driver, lauded FERMA for the construction of culverts and drainages long the Argungu- Sokoto road.

“The construction of the culverts have eased the suffering we face in our vehicular movements from Argungu Local Government to some major towns in Sokoto State, especially during the rainy season.

“We were sometimes thrown in oblivion, thinking that there were no waterways and drainages along the road, and it would cut off the road by the heavy downpour.

“With the construction of the new culverts and drainages, we are happy, and we are thankful to the Federal Government as well as the FERMA for saving our lives and that of our passengers,” he said.

Argungu urged the motorists to drive safely and abide by the road safety rules and regulations in order to protect lives, property and infrastructure in the area.

While briefing newsmen, the Federal Roads Maintenance Engineer of FERMA In-charge of the state, Rilwanu Usman, asserted that the renewed hope FERMA under the leadership of Dr. Chukwuemeka Agbasi believed in carrying out it’s mandate to the fullest.

” You can see it for yourself that we addressed the problem of water ponding along the same Gotomo-Argungu-Sokoto road by constructing four cells box culverts at Wali in December, 2023.

” We also reinforced concrete line drain and repair of a completely failed section, making Birnin-Kebbi to Sokoto border pothole free through a very impactful programme called “Operation Safe Connect to Your Destination “.

” Through the programme, we made Kalgo- Kamba road pothole free.

” The agency deemed it fit to consolidate it’s feat by installing solar street lights at Gotomo town, a small petty traders enclave along the road which is now receiving huge applause as trading activities goes on unhindered 24 hours,” he said.

Usman also added that similar solar street lights were provided in Yauri town in front of the General Hospital Yauri along Kebbi-Niger state border road and at Federal Medical Centre, Birnin-Kebbi road, among others.

” My MD’s resolve is to make all federal roads in the state and even beyond pothole free ,washout free and motorable all year round within the limit of available resources.

He commended Gov. Nasir Idris for efforts in constructing befitting roads and providing them with solar streetlights as well as proving enabling environment for the agency to thrive.

“We also commend the Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Alhaji Atiku Bagudu for his supper and encouragement to the agency in the state in particular and country at large,” Usman said.


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