Katsina SSG Urges Synergy Among Military In Fight Against Banditry

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Secretary to the Katsina State Government (SSG), Alhaji Mustapha Inuwa, has called for synergy among the armed forces in the fight against banditry across the country.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Inuwa made the call while briefing members of the Correspondents Chapel in Katsina on Monday.

He said that unless the the armed forces jointly fought the criminals involved in banditry, kidnapping, robbery and cattle rustling in the forests simultaneously to a standstill, the problems would never end.

“For instance, if you fight and over- powered the bandits in Katsina forests, those who are lucky to escape will still run to Zamfara forest, Niger or elsewhere to continue with the evil activities

“The same thing, vice versa in other places, I think the best thing is to fight the criminals simultaneously not to concentrate in one place,” Inuwa said.

The Katsina SSG noted that the war against insecurity should not be left to security operatives alone but a collective effort for all and sundry.

Inuwa commended the Nigerian Army and Air Force deployed to the state for a job well done, pointing out that banditry, kidnapping, cattle rustling and other criminalities have reduced to the barest.

“One of our greatest problems is that there are hoodlums living within communities that supply information to bandits to perpetrate their acts.

“By the grace of Almighty God, we will nip the entire problem in the bud to ensure that the criminals were brought to book,” he said (NAN)


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