Kano State Government To Partner Traditional Medicine Institutions For Health Delivery 

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By Ibrahim Muhammad Kano

The director general of the Kano State Private Health Institution Management Agency (PHIMA) Professor Salisu Ahnad stated that the Kano State Government will continue to. pay attention to the traditional medicine institutionsto improve there profession to good standard.

He stated this when the representatives of traditional medicine sellers in Fagge Social Welfare under the leadership of Alhaji Muhammd Sani Tsamiya, Babba “Sarkin masu shimfida na Kano bangaren maganin gargajiya” paid him a visit to thank him for the appointment of Salisu Magaji, “Sarkin of Askar Wudil as desk officer of traditional medicine institution by the Kano Government in the office of PHIMA.

He said that the Government will work with them and organise workshops and seminars will for them so that they can run their business effectively and bring important plans plans that will help to improve the health of the community.

Professor Salisu Ahmad called on traditional medicine institutions to continue to give the Government’s policies cooperation and support to improve the health care of the people’s in the state.

Also on his part, Sarkin askar Wudli Alhaji Salisu Magaji the new appointed desk officer of the traditional medicine institutios call on traditional medicine practitioners to give him special cooperation to protect the image of there profession.

Speaking on behalf of the visiting delegation, Alhaji Ali Saleh “Wakilin Sarkin Gardawa, Kura, Biri da maciji” called on the director general of “PHIMA” Professor Salisu Ahmad to organise a seminar for there members of traditional medicine institutios to continue in educating them this help to improve their profession and contribute to health care.

In his address the the leader of the delegation” Sarkin Shinfida na Kano bangaren maganin gargajiya , Alhaji Sani Muhammad Tsamiya, prayed for the best for the director general of PHIMA Professor Salisu Ahmad and thanked him for the care he gives to the traditional healers.in the agency.

Among the team of traditional healers from “social welfare” who visited the office of Director General of PHIMA included Alhaji Salisu Kwana rjaba “Alkalin Sarkin shimfida na maganin gargajiya” And Malam Aminu “me maganin ciwon ido”


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