Kangiwa Pledges To Support Hotel Owners On Capacity Building

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Alhaji Nura Kangiwa, the Director-General of the National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR), has promised to make available skill acquisition and training programmes for hotel owners to step up their game in quality service delivery.

Kangiwa made the promise when he received members of the Hotel Owners Forum of Abuja (HOFA), led by forum’s President,

Mrs Funmi Kazeem.

”Big beautiful structures do not make a hotel a hospitable abode unless the quality of services of the personnel are of high standard and amiable to customers,” he said.

He said that the desired standard and high-quality service delivery in hospitality business could only be achieved if personnel running the hotels have the needed skills for effective running and operations of such hotels.

“This is where training and re-training becomes germane if the country is to meet the global best practices and requirements in hospitality operations and management.

“The doors of the Institute are open to offer high quality skill acquisition and training programs to HOFA staff as part of its core mandate in the development of the Hospitality and travel-tourism industry of Nigeria,” he said.

NIHOTOUR boss called on HOFA members to key into the soon to be launched campaign of #SayNoToDirtyKitchen, as part of the Institute’s drive for a clean and healthy environment of eatery centres in the country.

While congratulating and wishing the newly elected officials a successful tenure in office, Kangiwa offered to assist HOFA with an office desk officer within the Institute to address urgent needs of the association in relation to their day-to-day operations.

Speaking earlier, HOFA president Kazeem, also pledged members’ desire to further strengthen the relationship for the good of the hospitality industry.

“With the new trend of high tech and innovative practices in the global hospitality trades and business, the Association is desirous of training its staff now more than ever before in order to meet up with world class requirements and best practices,” she said.

She solicited for all available assistance that NIHOTOUR could offer members of the Association, in order achieve a prosperous hospitality business environment in Abuja and the country at large.(NAN)



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