Kaduna State Peace Commission Seek More Hands In Building A Peaceful Society

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By Bello Hamza, Zaria
The Kaduna State Commission has advocate the need for all hands to be on deck for the attainment of a peace and just society, this was echoed in the speech delivered by the executive Vice chairman of the commission, Saleh B. Momale at a consultative dialogue which took place at NAERLS conference hall ABU Zaria.
He further stated that they will continue to solicit for the support of elected representatives at the National and State Assemblies, the State Executive Council sister MDAs, LGA administrations, the State Council of Emirs and Chiefs, the media, civil society organisations and the teeming population of our youths and
women in joining hands together in this onerous but rewarding duty peace building.
The Peace Commission was established by Law No 4 of 2017 and has as objectives adoption of proactive measure in the development and implementations of strategies that promote peace and harmonious co-existence and also engage in conflict prevention and the use of non violent intervention, mediation so as to have a peaceful resolution of conflicts and disputes at communal and inter group level across the state.
In his remark, the chairman of the event, the Emir of Lere, Engr.Sulaiman Umar express the readiness of traditional rulers in the state to give all the needed support in achieving a just and peaceful society.
Repsentatives of JNI and CAN attended the conference and also promise to ensure to the two major religion is carries along.


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