Kaduna Pastor Delivers Peace Lecture At Central Mosque To Sthrenthens Unity During Maulud

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As the celebration of Maulud continous round the world , which marks the birth of prophet mohammed SAW

Some muslims at ‘yan Doya central mosque kaduna state north western nigeria organise another maulud gathering at the central mosque .

Pastor dr yohanna buru , the general overseer of christ evengelical and life intervention ministry was invited to the mosque to delivered a lecture on peace ,unity and harmony

Addressing hundreds Muslims at the Maulud Nabii at Yan Doya Mosque Central Market Kaduna north, Kaduna State Nigeria West Africa

Pastor dr yohanna buru emphasized on the importance of peace and unity among the adherence of different faith base organization.while calling on the entire citizens of the country to equally pray for peace and unity of the country

The christian cleric pointed that every year,the mosque used to invite him and other christians scholars to participate in the annual moulud celebration inside the mosque to delivered lectures on peace and unity between muslims and christians in the state

He said Maulud celebration provide golding opportunity for christians and muslims to interract,deliberate and dialogue on better ways to promote religious tolerance and poster peace and unity in the country

He said even during Ramadan, the chef imam of the mosque use to invite christians to join muslims towards having interfaith iftar breakfast for peace and unity

He said ,this year along, he has attended over 20 different maulud celebration ,and this has promote peace and unity in the state

Responding one of the muslim preacher Mallam Gambo Abdullahi barnawa said, pastor dr yohanna is a man of peace ,and has been recognised world wide for his efforts of preaching peace and unity

He is known for his peace commitment in all the african nation and some part of the europe

He thank the christians clerics for.honoring their invitation,


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