Jogging Corps Member Stabbed To Death By Phone Snatchers In Kaduna

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A National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member serving in Kaduna State, Chalya Silas, has been stabbed to death in Barnawa area of Kaduna South local local area of Kaduna State on Wednesday by phone robbers.
Confirming the incident, the Kaduna State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), ASP Munsur Hassan, told our correspondent that Chalya was stabbed by the phone robbers while she was out for morning jogging exercise, following her resistance in releasing her phone to the assailants.
According to the Police spokesperson, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) and Area Commander in the area have been directed to bring the perpetrators to book, adding that a manhunt for the perpetrators had already commenced.
He expressed optimism that those who carried out the evil act will never go unpunished, stressing that the Police will engage every necessary measure to ensure that they are apprehended and made to face the full wrath of the law.
“Information available to us is that she was on a morning jogging with earpiece on her ear, then the robbers asked her for her phone which she resisted and one of them on the motorcycle stabbed her and before she could be rushed to the hospital, she was confirmed dead.
“We are doing everything possible to apprehend them, the DPO and Area Commander have been saddled with the responsibility of arresting them and I am sure in the coming days, they would have been arrested and paraded accordingly,” the PPRO assured.
As at the time of filing this report, no official statement from the State government or the Kaduna State office of the NYSC.
Meanwhile, colleagues of the deceased have taken to social media in condemnation of the incident and expressed concerns over their safety and security in the State.


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