ISWAP Terrorists Kill Police Inspector, 2 Others In Yobe

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Few days after killing four Policemen in Gajiram Town of Nganzai local government area of Borno State, suspected Islamic of West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists have again killed a Police inspector and two others in Kukareta community, in Damaturu local government area of the neighbouring Yobe State.
Confirming the attack to LEADERSHIP on Thursday, sources, according to Zagazola Makama, a Counter-Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad, said the attack occurred around 3am on Sunday, February 4, 2024, when troops of 233 Battalion Location on the outskirts of Kukareta village along Damaturu-Maiduguri Road came under attack by the ISWAP terrorists.
The sources said the terrorists, who came on foot, hid themselves behind some stray cattle crossing the highway to gain access into the military camp.
The troops engaged them in a heavy gunbattle, which forced them to retreat. Unfortunately, a Police inspector was hit by a stray bullet before they fled into Kukareta village.
“While fleeing through the village, they decided to attack the home of the district head. They knocked on his door, but on sensing danger, the district head escaped with his wife through the back door. The terrorists later gained access into the house and killed two people and also burnt the district head’s vehicle as well as carted away another vehicle belonging to the vigilantes,” the sources said.
According to another intelligence source, the vehicle of the Commander, Sector 2, North-East Joint Task Force Operation Hadin Kai while on an assessment visit to the scene stepped on an Improvised Explosive Device (IED), which exploded and damaged the vehicle including injuring the driver on his leg, while the commander and his radio operator escaped unhurt.


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