Islamic School Laments Rise In Absenteeism, Failures, Blame Subsidy Removal

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The management of Baraje Centre for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Ilorin, Kwara State, expressed concern on Saturday over the impact of fuel subsidy removal on students’ performance in the just-concluded academic session.
According to the management, the increase in transportation costs resulting from the hike in fuel prices led to parents’ inability to transport their children and wards to the center, consequently causing many students’ absence from school.
The Center, owned by the former acting national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alh Abubakar Kawu Baraje, had previously provided free transportation for students until the fuel subsidy was removed, leading to the rise in fuel pump prices.
Addressing the 2022/2023 graduation of the Centre held in Ilorin on Saturday, the chairman of the board of trustees, Justice Solihu Muhammed, stated, “The 2022/2023 academic session experienced numerous absences from both pupils and students, primarily due to the unavailability of the Center’s transportation. This was either due to vehicle breakdowns or insufficient fuel to facilitate two or three trips a day, leading parents and guardians to allow their wards/children to stay at home instead of assisting with transport fares for attending classes.”
“The consequences of this lack of attendance are evident in the promotion examination results, which have recorded the highest failure rates at the Centre since its inception. Thus, the board seeks the cooperation and assistance of parents/guardians to ensure their wards/children attend classes daily to avoid unnecessary failures in the outgoing session,” he added.
Highlighting that a total of 139 students were graduating, the board chairman reiterated the Center’s commitment to nurturing morally and spiritually upright leaders.
Alh Abubakar Kawu Baraje, the Center’s proprietor, thanked the school’s staff and management for their dedication to providing sound moral and spiritual education. He emphasized the importance of providing Nigerian youth with such education to foster responsible citizenship.
Baraje congratulated the graduands, encouraging them to persist in their pursuit of academic excellence. He also found it inspiring that four academic staff of the Centre recently attained Ph.D. degrees in various disciplines.




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