Independence Anniversary: Nigeria Will Be Great Again, Says Speaker Abbas

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Minimum Wage: Nigerians ‘ll get ‘survival wage’ to take them home — Speaker

… begs labour again to shelve planned strike

…says doomsayers and pessimists would soon be disappointed

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, has called on Nigerians to remain steadfast and keep hope in the country alive, as he assures that Nigeria in spite of numerous challenges will be great again.

According to the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Speaker, Musa Krish, Abbas stated this in his congratulatory message as Nigerians celebrate her 63rd Independence Anniversary.

While calling on fellow citizens and compatriots, the Speaker said doomsayers and pessimists would soon be disappointed.

Despite the myriad of challenges facing Nigeria, Speaker Abbas noted that the country still has the prospect and potential to reclaim its leadership position in the comity of nations, especially with its abundant human and natural resources.

The Speaker urged the organised labour under the auspices of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) to shelve the plan to embark on an indefinite nationwide strike on Tuesday over issues bothering on welfare.

He said embarking on a nationwide indefinite strike at this time would do the country no good. Rather, Speaker Abbas said, it would only aggravate the situation at hand.

He said the organized labour should reason with the Federal Government and put the strike on hold by cooperating with the authorities so that all issues would be resolved amicably.

Speaker Abbas had on Tuesday cautioned against the strike, noting the consequences on the already ailing economy.


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