Hardship: Yobe Marketers Organizes Prayers For Divine Intervention

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By Muhammad Maitela, Damaturu

Due to the economic hardship, higher cost of foodstuff and standard of living across the country, the United Marketers Association (UMAPO) Potiskum Local Government chapter in Yobe state has on Friday organized prayers to seek for divine intervention of Allah’s help for Nigeria to overcome the present economic hardship.

When speaking at the prayers ground, the Chairman of the association (UMAPO) Potiskum chapter, Alhaji Nasiru Mato said, the prayers was to seek Allah’s forgiveness due the the economic hardship the country and asked Him the way forward.

Added that, “The challenges of high cost materials such as food items and other things happened as a result of the fuel subsidy removal. Marketers are facing seriously challenges at this trying moment.” He said.

The chairman also called on federal, state and local government to set up committees that will come up with ways to cushion the hardship being faced by Nigerians.


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