Governor Lawal Receives Chief Of Army Staff, Seeks More Military Presence In Zamfara

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Governor Dauda Lawal, on Monday, canvassed more military presence and intervention to tackle insecurity in Zamfara State

Governor Lawal made the call when he received the Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja at the Government House, Gusau.

A statement by the Spokesperson to the Governor, Sulaiman Bala Idris, said that the Chief of Army Staff was on an official tour in the Northwest zone.

He added that the Chief had a very lengthy discussion with the Governor on how to improve synergy and foster ways to combat the menace of banditry in the State.

“The Chief of Army Staff, Lieutenant General Taoreed Lagbaja, was on an official tour to the Northwest. While in Zamfara State, he had a closed-door meeting with Governor Lawal where key important security issues were discussed.

“The Governor and the Chief of Army Staff brainstormed strategies that would enhance military operations to restore absolute peace in the State.

“The visit by the Army Chief has indicated a sign of commitment to address the lingering insecurity. It would also boost the morale of the soldiers at the war front.

“Lieutenant General Lagbaja assured the Governor that in a few weeks, there would be an aggressive military operation in Zamfara State.”

Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity) to the Zamfara Governor
August 15, 2023


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