Gov. Yahaya Signs 2020 Appropriation Bill Into Law

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Gov. Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State on Friday signed the 2020 Appropriation Bill of N130.82 billion into law. The Newsmen reports that the budget was increased from N130.66 billion to N130.82 billion by Gombe State House of Assembly, reflecting an increase of N160 million.

We reports that N71.04 billion of the budget is for capital expenditure while N59.78 billion is for recurrent expenditure.

After signing, Yahaya said that the budget would bring the desired change to meet the aspirations of the people.

The governor said that the budget would be implemented to ensure that the people enjoy the dividends of democracy through good governance.

He noted that the 2020 budget was the first budget of his administration.

“The onus lies on us to live up to expectations and justify the confidence that the people reposed in us,” Yahaya said.

He called on the people of the state and all stakeholders to support his administration toward the implementation of the budget.

The governor thanked members of the state House of Assembly for promptly acting on the budget.


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