Gov Radda Mourns Ex-Yobe Governor’s Death

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Governor Dikko Umaru Radda of Katsina State has expressed his heartfelt condolences to the government and people of Yobe State over the demise of former governor, Senator Bukar Abba Ibrahim.
The former two-term governor of the state passed away over the weekend at the Saudi-German Hospital in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
The deceased governed Yobe from January 1992 to November 1993 during the Third Republic. He was re-elected and sworn in on 29 May 1999 and served two terms under the All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP).
Governor Radda, in a statement issued by his chief press secretary, Ibrahim Kaula, described the death of the patriotic elder statesman as a great loss not only to Yobe State but to the nation at large, given his commitment to nation-building.
He added that the late Senator Abba Ibrahim was a distinguished leader who significantly contributed to the socio-economic growth of Yobe and the human capital development of the people of the state in great ways.
“Indeed, the leadership qualities of Sen. Abba Ibrahim are unmatched. He led a life of true impact, wholly devoted to advancing the cause of his people and other Nigerians dwelling in Yobe state. May Allah (S.W.T) grant him Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen.
“Meanwhile, the people and government of Katsina State mourn his exit, which is so shocking and painful. We commiserate with my brother, Governor Mai Mala Buni, and the entire Yobe people at this sombre period,” the statement said.


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