Gov. Dauda Lawal Rescue Mission And The Parable Of One Good Turn

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By Sani Bello Hamza

Dauda Lawal is one of the most visionary, forward-looking and hardworking governors in Nigeria. He has inscribed his golden name is the hearts of Zamfarawa and beyond. People all over the country are envying and praying for their governors to be like him or copy his elegance and style of leadership. Because of his dedication to service and determination to rescue the people of Zamfara state.

In November 2023, I wrote an article titled; “Dauda Lawal on My Radar”. In the article, I took my audience through a tourist-like journey to Zamfara state in which I explained how the governor embarked on a transformative journey to rescue the good people of Zamfara state. I concluded by highlighting some of the capital and human development projects situated across various locations in the state to actualize this good will.

Unknowing to us, Gov. Dauda Lawal was just starting with his realistic education policies and sound economic decisions.

Today, I am not going to talk about how the governor revive the image of Zamfara state in the eye of the world; we are all aware of that.

I am also not going to talk about how he stabilize the economy of the state there by attracting foreign investors, this is a known fact to all. I will also not dwell on how the governor is loved and cherished by his people, it is obvious and we all can explain that.

What I am going to talk about is how he revive and redesign the security architecture of Zamfara state to rescue the state from sinking and falling to the hands of bandits and saboteurs. I will also talk about the huge amount of money invested and to be invested in education, Health and Agriculture as highlighted in the Rescue Mission Budget.

We all know the primary duty of every government is to protect the lives and properties of its citizens, prevent them from external attack and undue hardship. Before now, Zamfara state was regarded as a Bandits den, people were not able to go out peacefully to pursue their daily activities.

With coming of the people’s governor the issue of insecurity in Zamfara will by the grace of God become history within the shortest period. With the combined effort of the Nigerian Army, police and the recently unveiled Community Protection Guard insecurity will be reduced to the barest minimum and there will be no hiding place for bandits in the state. The Community Protection Guard is a composition of vibrant young men selected from various local governments of the state to contribute in the fight against bandits and kidnappers.

Before now, quality education in Zamfara state was for the elites alone. The masses cannot afford to pay the huge amount of money in private schools and were left with remnant of the decayed educational facilities in public schools. Children of the masses were studying in classes without roofs and chairs, their teachers were also left hungry without salary for several months.

The story changed with coming of the people’s Governor, Zamfara state primary and secondary education is now witnessing a complete overhaul. The governor has declared state of emergency in the education sector. In addition to that, the governor has also commenced the construction and renovation of 245 schools accros the 14 local governments of the state. A total of 9,542 two-seater desks will also be provided to all the the schools accros the state. 619 tables and 626 chairs will also be provided to the teachers to make learning fun, conducive and interactive. Is that all? certainly No!

Few days ago, the people’s governor declared a state of emergency in the Health sector to solve the lingering challenges in the sector. In line with his campaign promises, the governor will provide free maternal and child health care to reduce child mortality and morbidity.
A special attention will also be given to primary healthcare in remote areas to make sure they are not left out of the scheme.
The welfare and well-being of full time staff and casual workers will also be a top priority. An external supervision team will also be set to check erring staff.

This is indeed a sign that the governor is not here for the title of “Governor” he is here to serve and change the lives of his people.

Even though some things are not meant for the consumption of the public, however, what governor Dauda Lawal is doing in Zamfara state is worth all publicity. Our Dear Governor ought to be trending as the number one topic on every social media platform.

It is now over to you Zamfarawa to replicate the good deed as the popular saying goes; One good Turn deserves another. Gov. Dauda deserve your prayer, support and commendation in return of his tireless effort to Development of Zamfara state. May Dauda Succeed!

Sani Bello Hamza is a Law student at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, he writes from Zaria and can be reached through his email; or 09013506168.


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