Gov. Buni Swears In 2 Perm. Secs, Member Pilgrims Commission

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By Muhammad Maitela, Damaturu

Two newly appointed Permanent Secretaries and a Permanent Member of the Yobe State Pilgrims Commission were today sworn into office by Governor of Yobe state, Hon. Mai Mala Buni.

The new Permanent Secretaries include Alh. Musa Audu Fara-fara, and Mohammed M. Balumi, while Babagana M. Bukar was sworn into office as Permanent Member of the commission.

Gov. Buni said the elevation of the officers is to promote effective and efficient service delivery, encourage hard work, and fill in existing vacancies in the civil service.

He said their appointments were based on merit, reassuring civil servants in the state that the government will continue to appreciate and reward hard-working public officers who put in their best to improve service delivery.

“Let me take this opportunity to stress that this administration will continue to equip and reposition the Public Service to be more responsive to our current demands for speedy and effective implementation of people -oriented policies and programmes.

“In this regard, I would like to appeal to the new appointees to be proactive and bring in fresh ideas in our quest to overcome all developmental challenges for the betterment of our people, and wish to assure you that we will continue to maintain open-door policy in our decision-making processes.” He said.

Buni also assured the commitment of his administration towards reinvigorating the Civil

service for optimum performance.

“I hereby direct the Head of Service to draw up a succession plan by training and retraining the middle cadre staff for efficient service delivery.” Gov. Buni emphasized.


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