Gambari’s Wealth Of Experience Will Move Nigeria To Next Level-Political Scientists

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Nigeria Political Science Association (NPSA), an umbrella body for all Political Science lecturers in the country, has applauded President Muhammadu Buhari for appointing Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, a career diplomat, as his new Chief of Staff (CoS).

NPSA in a statement signed by its National President, Prof. Aloysius Okolie of University of Nigeria, Nsukka and made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), commended Buhari for the appointment.

Okolie said the association received the  news of the appointment of  Gambari, a distinguished scholar, career diplomat and eminent member of NPSA with great joy and expectations because of his wealth of experience.

“Buhari’s new CoS is a member of NPSA, an illustrious son of Africa,   a global citizen, an international scholar as well as a career diplomat who have served humanity creditably in all positions held.

“The CoS with his wealth of experience locally and internationally will help to move the country to the next level, “he said.

He noted that Gambari as a lecturer broadened the field of Political Science at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) Zaria by  establishing International Relations programme.

“Based on his pioneering efforts, International Relations today has become a very attractive discipline to prospective candidates seeking admission  in  the country.

“His  numerous academic contributions, including his vast enriching publications,  as head of department and community services earned him promotion to the rank of professor by management of ABU,” he said.

Okolie said it was in view of Gambari’s numerous contributions to NPSA in particular and humanity in general that the association resolved  in January to confer on him the award of Fellow of the Academy of Politics.

” NPSA in January, 2020 even before  his appointment as CoS resolved to confer on Gambari,  Fellow of the Academy of Politics during the annual conference of the association scheduled for August.

“This is in recognition and  appreciation of his numerous positive contributions to our great discipline in particular and humanity in general, “he said.

The don urged Nigerians to give Gambari maximum support and cooperation as political scientists were hopeful that, this intellectual icon and career diplomat  would be a viable  asset in engineering and  deepening  good governance framework in Nigeria.

“NPSA is happy with Gambari’s achievements so far, because he has done the association proud in all positions held locally and internationally, “Okolie said.

NAN recalls that President Muhammadu Buhari on May 13, appointed Gambari as  his  new Chief of Staff  after the death  of the former CoS  Mallam Abba Kyari. (NAN)






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