Fire Destroys 10 Shops In Adamawa

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Wild fire from the premises of Federal College of Education (FCE) Yola, has destroyed 10 shops, leaving behind victims counting loses of their property worth millions.

The inferno which occured Saturday, was said to have been caused by bush burning.

The state Deputy Governor professor Kaletapwa Farauta, on sympathy visit, warned residents to restrain from bush burning especially, near residential areas.

“This is dry season, the harmattan wins are very strong, people should stop indiscriminate bush burning.

” We call on our citizens to restrain from bush burning near residential areas and shops.

Professor Farauta urged the victim not to allow their spirit to be dampened by what happened but rather see it as an act of God.

Ms Mercy Paul, whose shop was damaged said she lost all her heir dressing saloon equipments to the fire.


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