FCT Residents Decry High Cost Of Foodstuff

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Some residents of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) have continued to decry the increasing cost of goods and services as Nigerians celebrate the Eid el Fitr.
The residents spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria on Thursday in Abuja while reacting to how the continuous increase in prices of goods and services was affecting their Sallah celebrations
The residents said in spite of the appreciation of the Naira against the dollar, the prices of goods and services were still exorbitant for the common man to purchase.
They, however, called for the government’s intervention in ensuring the stability of prices of goods and services.
Miss Amanat Alhassan, a student of the University of Abuja said, “the economy of the country has made this year’s Sallah least exciting for me because everything is so expensive.
“So I did not expect much to happen. Everyone is just managing what they have and


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