Daily Trust Boss Urges Journalists To Uphold Ethics Of Journalism

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The Editor-in-Chief, Daily Trust Newspapers, Malam Mannir Dan-Ali has tasked journalists in the country to uphold the ethics of journalism practice in line with international standard.

He made the call at the 7th Annual Workshop for Media Practitioners organised by the Kaduna Refining and Petrochemical Company, KRPC in Kano.

The EIC said journalists must act with integrity by being honest, courageous and also thorough in news gathering.

“As journalist, the ethics of the profession expects us to identify our sources in news writing. Though anonymity is allowed but sometimes, some anonymous sources could be fake, hence, we need to be careful”.

Dan-Ali also advised media practitioners to avoid undercover sources of information in news gathering except when the normal means fails.

“We must also respond to questions with accuracy, acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and appropriately.

“ It’s our duty to hold those in power into account as well as give a voice to the voiceless in the society,” he said.

He added that, in all reportage, there should be a rule of decency where certain images, especially those of dead bodies, must not be shown.

The Executive Director Services, KRPC, Dr. Abdullahi Idris while presenting a paper on ‘The Media and Ethical Conduct’ urged journalists to adhere strictly to the ethics of the profession and also report above their interest.

He encouraged them to report objectively by being truthful, accurate and unbiased in the discharge of their duties.

Idris advised media practitioners to inculcate the habit of independence, by not taking any stipends from organisers of events they cover.

“This will make journalist report issues with neutrality”.

According to him, for journalists to uphold ethical conducts in the profession, they need training to build their capacity for optimal performance.

He also encouraged journalists to synergize with one another and work collectively in order to make progress.

The workshop which drew journalist from across the country, had the theme ‘Media Laws, Ethics and Challenges of Hate Speech in Nigeria’.



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