Court Jails Undergraduate For 18 Months For Internet Scam

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Justice Rahman Oshodi of the Lagos State Special Offences Court in Ikeja has sentenced a 100-level University part-time computer science student, Emmanuel Victor, to 18 months imprisonment for defrauding his victims of $7,000 through an online scamming scheme.
The 23-year-old convict, who was arraigned before the court by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), was jailed after pleading to a one-count charge of Internet fraud.
The EFCC prosecuting counsel, Abubakar Dambua, while reviewing the facts of the case, told the court that on September 15, 2023, the commission received an intelligence report about the fraudulent activities of the convict and others.
Dambua stated that a raid was carried out by some of the operatives of the EFCC, during which the convict was arrested.
He listed items recovered from the convict to include an iPhone 13 deep blue colour, a Samsung phone, an ATM card, a Manager cheque and fraudulent documents.
The prosecutor then urged the court to admit all the recovered items as evidence, a request which the judge granted.
The defence counsel, Ester Ukpai, did not object to the admissibility of items recovered from the convict.


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