Coalition Begs Zulum To Reinstate Commissioner Nominee

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Coalition of youths, clubs and associations in Gwoza local government area and Borno State has appealed to the State Governor, Prof Babagana Umara Zulum, to reinstate Mr Ibrahim Yusuf Ngoshe, the Commissioner nominee withdrawn over a pending case with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

LEADERSHIP reports that 24 hours after Governor Zulum nominated Mr Ngoshe as commissioner designate and sent the name along other Commissioner nominees, Ngoshe’s name was withdrawn by the Governor on the eve of the submission of the names to the State House of Assembly with no reason attributed to the action.

But while people wondered about the Governor’s action, a report of Ngoshe’s case with the EFCC emerged through reports from media houses through a statement released by the EFCC.

However, passionately appealing to Zulum to reinstate Ngoshe pending the outcome of the case with the EFCC,  the Spokesman of the coalition, Comrade Abdllrazak Abubakar said Ngoshe should be seen as innocent until proven guilty as the law has stipulated in the 1999 constitution.

The coalition said,”It is on this note, we are pleading with you your excellency to reconsider reinstating Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf Ngoshe as a commissioner designate in the interest of the entire youth of Gwoza Local Government and Born State in general.

“Your Excellency Sir, we are appealing to you to revisit the issue of the withdrawal of Dr. Ibrahim Yusuf Ngoshe’s name from the Commissioner Designate. Dr. Ngoshe had done more than enough good to the society and good people of Born State than the allegations labelled against him.


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