CDS Seeks Budgetary Support For Military To Combat Insecurity

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Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Musa, has appealed for budgetary support to the Armed Forces of Nigeria (AFN) to aid unhindered discharge of its constitutional mandates.
He made the appeal when he visited the minister of budget and national planning, Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, at his office.
A statement by the director of defence information Brig-Gen Tukur Gusau said the CDS was at the ministry to also request for budgetary appropriation to enable for the completion of the Armed Forces Complex permanent site.
General Musa called on the minister to assist the AFN to sort out accommodation deficits in the barracks and bases by ensuring adequate budget allocation for that purpose.
The CDS assured the minister of the Armed Forces’ commitment to rid the country of criminals and make Nigeria and Nigerians safer.
In his response, Bagudu thanked General Musa for coming, while congratulating him on his appointment. The minister appreciated and commended the AFN for their pivotal role in stabilizing security in the nation and for rising to the overall security challenges despite some constraints.
He assured the Armed Forces of Nigeria of his ministry’s support, while adding that the budget cycle must consider critical security challenges.


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